Environmental Policy

Created: 01.11.2021
Reviewed: 30.03.2024
Next review: 03.2025


The Green Clean Team recognises the importance of protecting the environment for the benefit of our clients, employees, stakeholders, the community and future generations. Our commitment is to minimise or eliminate pollution and other damage to the environment caused by our maintenance services and cleaning products.


This policy applies to all office and site-based employees.


This is achieved through:

  • Complying with statutory requirements, codes, standards including ISO14001:2015 and guidelines.
  • Setting up objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating work related environmental incidents in relation to our services and products.
  • Defining roles and responsibilities for environmental management.

Strategies will include:

  • Continually improving our environmental performance by regular reviews and setting realistic, measurable environmental objectives and targets.
  • Monitor progress toward achieving our OH&S objectives and manage non-conformities through the use of our OHS Register and monitoring progress of specific plans. Improvement reviews will take place at least quarterly to review all actions and initiate further preventative actions as necessary.
  • Monitoring industry trends and advances in cleaning products that will allow us to reduce our environmental impact.
  • Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations, codes of practice and contractual conditions.
  • Preventing or minimising pollution of the environment from activities over which we have control.
  • Conducting business with suppliers who also have a commitment to responsible environmental management.
  • Conserving biological diversity and ecological integrity.
  • Using the real cost of environmental factors in project decisions.
  • Provide training and education to employees and subcontractors.
  • Maximise the recycling of resources.

All employees are authorised and expected to stop work and immediately notify their Manager  or Supervisor if a task is likely to create a significant environmental impact.

To achieve our policy goals, we will plan and manage our activities in accordance with best practice environmental management principals. This includes achieving an equitable balance between environmental, social and economic considerations.