Quality Policy

Created: 01.11.2021
Reviewed: 30.03.2024
Next review: 03.2025


The Green Clean Team provides quality products and maintenance services throughout Victoria and southern New South Wales. We have developed our expertise since establishment, and we aim to achieve a high standard of service to our clients. It is our policy to provide clients with goods and services to the agreed requirement in accordance with all details and pricing.

Our Directors, Management and employees are responsible for Quality Control through the Quality Management System seeking improvement by constant review, with suppliers and sub-contractors being encouraged to co-operate. We are committed to achieving client satisfaction using quality procedures which will be operated to meet or exceed the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.


This policy applies to all office and site-based employees.


The Green Clean Team’s Quality Management Objectives:

  • Identify the processes required for the QSE Manual and its application throughout the business.
  • Determine the sequence and interaction of these processes.
  • Determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective.
  • Plan and ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of processes.
  • Monitor, measure and analyse these processes.
  • Implementation of actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of processes and outcomes.

Strategies will include:

  • We will set measurable, realistic and achievable quality objectives which are reviewed at least annually.
  • Monitor progress towards achieving our quality objectives and manage non-conformance through the use of the OHS Register system and monitoring progress of specific plans.
  • Improvement reviews will take place at least quarterly to review all actions and initiate further preventative actions as necessary.
  • Perform and provide defect-free services and work for all our clients.
  • Ensure the entire QSE Manual is reviewed at least annually for continued suitability.

Our QSE Manual is based on the concepts of the continuous improvement process of Plan, Do, Check and Act and is compliant with requirements as defined in ISO 9000:2015.

This Policy and associated procedures will be reviewed in consultation with relevant parties and on the occasion of any changes or amendments to the relevant legislation and/or every twelve (12) calendar months prior to our internal QSE Manual audit.